By the end of 2015 it is estimated that more than 20 million households will have some type of smart home device. This is double the number of households in 2012. Smart home systems and apps are helping home owners remotely control features such as TVs, thermostats, lighting, blinds, music, door locks, security cameras and appliances. More and more people can now unlock the front door from their car on the way home from work, can check on landscapers and house cleaners from afar and even signal the coffee maker to turn on as soon as they step out of bed in the morning.


What Should You Buy and How Do You Use It?

The speed and abundance for which new products are hitting the consumer market is making it challenging for the average home owner to know what smart home technology to invest in. Converting your simple day to day tasks into a modern automated system of devices that uses learning algorithms has many home owners asking “Is it worth the fiddle factor?”

yesStabley Home Entertainment says “Yes, it’s worth the Fiddle!”

There are so many unexpected upsides to smart home technology. Specifically the home owners ability to control, monitor and protect their home anytime and from anywhere. Additionally, the ability to customize the technology to meet their individual needs and budget.

The Keys to Smart Home Device Success Are:

  1. Purchasing devices that are easy to use and require as few steps as possible to operate.
  2. Most important is having an excellent support system in place to help you with the learning curve and trouble-shooting if needed.

Call An Expert To Help With Installation and Setup

Stabley Home Entertainment is your key to successfully installing and enjoying all of today’s smart home devices. We are knowledgeable, experienced and best of all provide high quality customer service and technical support.

So don’t be nervous – be excited about all the possibilities!

Call Stabley Home Entertainment today and let us help you fiddle out what smart home devices are right for you. Call us today at 480-325-5015 –

Published On: September 10th, 2015